Monday, February 28, 2011

75 Years Ago

Pheasants that have survived the winter thus far have begun to gather at the sides of the roads looking for whatever they cannot find in the fields. This is another scene I carved about twenty years ago, but why the title "75 Years Ago." This past Saturday we drove east to take something to my mother in Lisbon, eat dinner with our son and his wife in Fargo, and still leave enough to attend an 80th birthday celebration for an aunt in Fargo. In Lisbon I picked up Ma's Fargo Forum and read an article, the point of which I had heard Dad speak of often. It was the record setting string of cold temperatures that occurred in 1936: 37 straight days in Fargo when the temperature never rose above the zero mark. Langdon logged 42 days of it. I haven't seen the figures for this part of the state, but it probably does not differ a lot. I wonder how the wildlife fared in that severity. I'm not sure if it was 1936, but the opposite extreme occurred, a string of days when the thermometer registered over a hundred degrees.