Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday in ABQ

I sat at the same table at the Thursday night reception and auction as this gentleman.  There were a dozen or so people who came dressed in some period costume, and the winner gets a free registration at next year's convention.  He didn't win.  A family of three, the man and their boy dressed as gamblers and the lady as a dance hall girl, won the contest.  I didn't get a good picture of them.  They raised over $5,000 at the auction which will be used to fund scholarships for college students to continue their studies in western history.

Today's schedule proved not as entertaining as yesterday's, but maybe it was more important.  The topics dealt with dealing with editors, publishers, marketing, etc., in other words, the business side.  We signed up for meetings with representatives of these specialties to be held tomorrow, Saturday.  I picked two magazines where I think my stories might be the best fit.

Tomorrow evening is the highlight of the convention: the awarding of the Spur Awards for the many different categories that have been judged.  Needless to say, I didn't have anything entered.
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