Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The beach at Waikiki is just a short walk from our hotel. No doubt a popular spot as evidenced by great numbers of strollers, sunbathers, and nubile young things slathering up with sunscreen. An early morning meeting sponsored by the tour company filled us in as to what we will do the next two weeks, and, of course, the extras are extra. Since this may be the only time we come, we will scratch it off our "bucket list" and go for all the frills. (The preacher always said he never saw a u-haul backed up to a grave dumping any money in.) This afternoon we flashed our hotel key and got on a free shuttle ride around the city which took about an hour. For extra flavor, we enjoyed the wit of the driver who maintained a steady stream of verbal entertainment. Tomorrow the tour includes Pearl Harbor. More then.