Thursday, January 19, 2012

Haleakala Volcano

Sometimes I exaggerate; sometimes I don't. With this entry I am not. Yesterday we drove to the top of the Haleakala Volcano which rises 10,000 feet above sea level. The drive took us on a very winding road up through nice country. On the valley floor were sugar cane fields, then we passed through expensive developments, then open cattle range, then barren ground, then volcanic ash fields. At the top no clouds blocked the spectacular view. Far below, almost two miles, the green sugar cane fields lay in checkerboard patterns, the Pacific Ocean lapped on the shore, the mouth of the volcano opened wide in multi-colors, and the sun shone clear. Far off the island of Hawaii stood tall with its volcanoes that we will visit tomorrow.

We've flown between all the islands on sweet flying little B-717's and will do that once more to get to Honolulu to board a big one to get back to the mainland. Gas here is around $4.20 and seems to be no barrier to driving like crazy on the streets.