Friday, January 13, 2012


In some places there are chickens running around wild. An interesting story relates to this. In the "old days" of the plantation workers on the island there was little to do in the area of entertainment, so they took to raising fighting cocks. That went on for awhile until the later day animal rights people complained enough to succeed in putting a stop to it. Some of them were turned loose and have begun to multiply. The Samoan chief in the preceding entry was surrounded by hens and little chicks that ate the scraps of cocoanut he produced in his show.

As we stood at the overlook of the place where Frank Sinatra and Deborah Kerr acted their steamy love scene in From Here to Eternity I saw something quickly slink through the grass. I believe it was a mongoose. The story about them goes like this. There are a lot of large rats on the island that can do a lot of damage to certain trees because they like to nest in their upper branches. The powers that be decided to combat the problem by importing mongooses (mongeese? I doubt it!). They thrived and multiplied, too. One problem that arose, rats are nocturnal and mongooses are diurnal; therefore, never the twain shall meet. Now they have two problems - an over-population of both mongooses and rats.