Thursday, January 12, 2012

Island Circle Tour

This is the Samoan chief and is one of the funniest characters I've seen in quite a long time. He explained how the native peoples lived off the land without the aid of modern inventions, but he kept the crowd laughing the whole time. This outdoor show took place at a macadamia nut store where we sampled as much flavored coffee and nuts as we comfortably felt not being foolish from doing so. Oh, yes, we bought plenty, too.

I've been interested in the Hawaiian language as explained by different people who have talked to us. The language consists of five vowels but only seven consonants which explains a lot of things to me. Pronunciation is quite another matter, though, when a person tries to twist his tongue around the proper sounds.

As the tour bus drove us on the island circle tour, we passed many interesting sites: ranch land, crop land, lagoons, surfing beaches, mountain scenery, etc. Many cultures have blended to comprise the population of the island now, but they seem to blend well. I learned once about something called synergy meaning the sum of the parts can total to more than the whole. That's about what happens here.

Last night we went to another stage show featuring a magician and a dance troupe of Samoan style dancers. Great stuff! Not much to complain about yet and maybe won't have, except we get tired.

More tomorrow.