Sunday, August 21, 2011

Digging Bones

We took a weekend trip to Medora with our son Brandon and his wife Lindsey. The purpose of the trip was for the ladies to participate in a paleontological dig they had registered for which was sponsored by the State Paleontologist's Office. They both looked forward to getting out there and were just as excited when they came back saying, "We're going to do it again next year."

I thought this was a chance to get a bit artistic. They had climbed down a bit into the canyon to get a view and when I saw them coming up I thought this quirky shot would be interesting.

While the ladies were getting their hands dirty at the dig site Brandon and I went exploring south of town past the Bully Pulpit golf course. In camera class we learned that the elements of near, medium, and far work well in composition so I tried my hand with this one.

Mary took a camera along to the site which was located just a few miles east of Medora. Here she talked someone in to snapping this shot. Three paleontologists accompanied the group so there was a lot of professional help and guidance for these amateurs.

Lindsey found the prize of the day, a large intact crocodile tooth. The pro told her it showed wear and was one that the croc shed naturally and would have grown a new one to take its place. The group found a variety of teeth, vertebra, scales, and feces, none of which they could keep. It was all official property of the state and was to be taken back to the laboratory at the state heritage center. I know the gals enjoyed their experience because the first thing they said upon returning was, "We're going to do it again next year."