Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Celebration & A Book

Yesterday we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Mary's brother and his wife, Mike and Sharon, ate lots of good food, and took a few pictures. Here is the happy couple who still live on the ranch south of Raleigh.

Being that all of Mike's sisters were present I thought this would make a good picture grouping for them to get behind Mike and Sharon for this photo. For the life of me I don't know what caused this reaction, but it looks to me as if my wife said something naughty. She will not confess so it is up to our imaginations to guess what it could have been. After they settled down, I was able to take a better one.

The couple still look young, and I told them we are making plans to celebrate their 100th.

I just finished reading a book, a book that I wished would not have ended because I enjoyed it so much - Monte Walsh. by Jack Schaefer. Schaefer also wrote another great story - Shane. A popular movie was based on Shane, but two movies followed Monte Walsh, one with Lee Marvin in the 70's and the other a made for TV movie starring Tom Selleck. I found portions of them on YouTube and enjoyed them; for some reason I never saw either one previously.

Walsh was a real rounder, a cowboy who worked hard but played even harder. As the story progressed through the years his close friend and partner on the range changed with the years, married, and became a successful businessman. Monte would have none of the modern life and rejected inventions such as the motor car that started appearing. The ranch for which he worked so loyally for many years became fenced, his friends began dying or drifting away, and at the end it was just Monte and his horse. Even though the general theme was one of sadness as it followed the character's life, there were some places where I laughed the hardest that I have for a long time.