Sunday, August 14, 2011

At the Bohemian Hall

Anyone looking for us on Saturday night would have found us at the Bohemian Hall ten miles south of Mandan. Years back a community of Czech settlers formed in that area and a meeting hall still stands bearing their identity. I don't know what the letters stand for; I'm quite sure they are initials for unpronounceable Czech words, but I do know they represent a Czech fraternal organization.

One of the people keeping the building in use is Chuck Suchy, a local singer and song writing farmer, who lives in the area and celebrates his own Czech heritage with an annual outdoor concert on the site. We have attended five or six times and each time the crowd grows in size.

Saturday night featured a full moon in a clear sky where a few clouds in the west gave beautiful colors as the sun set. Suchy, who holds the official title of State Troubadour, invites others to come each year to perform including his musical family. A singing daughter couldn't be there because she was touring with Garrison Keillor's summer show.

A little camera picture doesn't do justice to the size of the crowd in attendance but a couple of pictures show parts of the crowd. That the attendance was larger than expected was proven when the food ran out. We were early enough to get our piece of juneberry pie, though, and it was a treat.

Attendees are mostly a middle-age crowd so wild concert antics never are a problem. I'm sure we will attend in the future.