Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tragic-Comedy: Shoe Throwing

President Bush got a pair of shoes thrown at him in Baghdad, and I laughed along with all the jokes the comedians started making about it. In fact, I told Mary when I first saw the news of the incident that this will be a bonanza for the late-night talk shows. Well, I was right. The Huffington Post even features a video section where you can see several of the comedians accumulated in one clip: "Watch: Late-Night's Shoe Throwing Joke Bonanza." Last night Keith Olbermann talked to a comedian in a separate studio who ducked dozens of shoes thrown at him. But it's probably enough already!

I thought about it a bit and have concluded this is a tragic-comedy. Bush's demeanor at the time was admirable in that he tried to downplay it by saying something like that can happen in a free society. The tragedy is that we make our President into something like a buffoon and that the amount of respect paid to him has fallen to this level. Rodney Dangerfield made the quotable remark "I don't get no respect," and unfortunately that's where Bush is at. I'm glad a changing of the guard is near at hand.