Wednesday, September 17, 2008

World's Crazy

The world's gone crazy, wars, explosions, candidates telling us the other is a liar, banks going under, government bailouts, etc., etc. To hell with all of it, it's time for Ole and Lena to be heard.

Little Ole was doing arithmetic. "Dad, can yew help me vit my aritmetic? I am looking fer da common denominator." --- "Vell, uff da! grumbled Papa Ole. "Haven't dey found dat darned ting yet. Dey vere lookin' fer it vhen I vas a kid!"

Little teen-aged Lena was on the phone again. She talked for 45 minutes. When she finally hung up, Ole said, "Vot happened, Li'l Lena? Yew usually talk fer at least two hours." --- "Ya, Papa, I know, but dat vas a wrong number."

"Ole, dat's da fort time yew've gone back for more vedding cake! Doesn't dat embarrass yew?" asked Lena. --- Ole said, "Vell, vhy should it, Lena, I yust keep telling dem it's fer yew."

I don't want to think too deeply today. I'm practicing, over and over, the material I'm going to use Saturday for my half hour on stage at the Apple Fest. I don't know much about this celebration yet, but it's sponsored by the Cancer Center Foundation to help the Center provide high quality radiation services and assistance to patients and their family members. They offer payment for entertainment, but I checked the box on the contract that says: "I do not wish to accept payment for my services. I would prefer to donate my services as an in-kind donation to the Bismarck Cancer Center Foundation." --- Dat vay if I doo a poor yob I can say yew got vhat yew paid for.