Friday, September 19, 2008

The Wisdom of Lena

I've got an idea regarding the huge compensation packages some of these CEO's receive when they leave companies which are often times in poor financial condition. I would still want to see CEO's receive incentives for good work, but how about delaying payment of incentives to them until a year or so has passed, and independent auditing firms have had a chance to look closely at the books. That would surely stop any "snatch and run" tactics that some of them seem to employ and never get called out on except for getting a little negative publicity in the media which quickly dies away. I think a simple bipartisan bill passed in Congress delaying the payment of golden parachutes would solve a lot of problems.

This financial mess we're in seems too complicated, and I suppose my idea would be quickly shouted down as being illegal or unconstitutional or something. I just don't know, and a lot of the problem really bores me. I was a bit concerned about our bank deposits being insured under FDIC, but my bank told me on the other end of a phone line that we were fully insured with our modest accounts. So, while the government runs off a new batch of paper money, I will continue sleeping well at night. Just don't mess with my Social Security and Medicare!

I think Ole's Lena speaks with wisdom about this mess. She went to her doctor for a physical exam. After checking her over and giving some tests, the doctor said, "Lena, I guess you just have to realize you're not getting any younger." --- "I don't vant to get any YOUNGER," said Lena, "I yust vant you to fix me up so I get OLDER!"