Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The years keep piling on me like a bunch of dirty football players, and I don't hear a whistle blowing. Along with that fact I find myself waking up in the middle of the night with an urge to go to the bathroom and then having trouble getting back to sleep. So I have discovered a pastime while I lie there: I turn on my Walkman, slip my earphones on and listen to George Noory's talk show "Coast to Coast." Last night's topic dealt with the future of artificial intelligence. It made me wonder that maybe in the future all we witless people will do in the future is push buttons.

My question for the day is what was the motivation for Secretary of Treasury Paulson placing himself in the role of being singly in charge of $750 billion? There's the old adage that goes power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I'm not surprised the bailout bill ran into trouble.

I'm getting the cover printed at Staples for my "big" book. Even though I don't know if anyone will like it, I've had lots of fun with it. I've already started writing the next edition. The process is something like a blindfolded kid flailing away at a pinata until it bursts open and so many surprises fall out of it.

My old Chevy pickup suffers from a blight of rust. It's 16 years old, runs well, but looks terrible. Our local O'Reilly's auto parts manager recommended a rust inhibitor that he said will stop the rust from eating. I worked on one side of the truck yesterday, and now I'm going out to do the other side. I hope it works.