Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Global Warming

A catchy phrase circulated a few years ago, the gist of it being when you want different results you can't keep doing the same things over and over. From there it's an easy leap to the topic of global warming. North Dakota's coal reserves are enormous; it's estimated to be hundreds of years' worth, and they're not even using much of it because it's relatively low grade. Twenty trains bearing Wyoming and Montana coal each day pass through Bismarck-Mandan headed to points east. North Dakota's mines fuel generating plants built in-state.

A recent AP article stated that 154 new coal-fired plants are being planned in 42 states. Coal generated electricity amounts to feeding over half of the U. S. demand. It follows to the skeptic that we don't show much concern for the environment. Oh, yes, we're told new technology exists for "scrubbing" a plant's exhaust to eliminate pollutants.

My life's experience tells me this - big business tells lies as badly as does big government and is just as guilty of the sins of commission and omission. Even if I'm in error and new plants can clean their exhaust, how can countries with emerging economies such as China and India quickly install and operate that technology?

Al Gore's recent movie regarding global warming received media attention for only a short while. Then the reporters' energy focused on other topics after they tired of this environmental issue. Meanwhile the ice continues to melt.