Wednesday, August 15, 2012

State Train Museum

Happy Birthday, Mary Lou !!!
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On Monday evening we attended the local Westerners Corral supper meeting at the state train museum.  The picture is of the depot the musuem had moved in from Steele.  It has been a few years since last we visited and it was good to see they have added more exhibits to the grounds.

An interesting story one of their board members told dealt with the steam engine in Enderlin.  They have been wanting to add an old time engine to their collection and tried to go after that one.  They thought they had the deal made, as he said, "They were just one day away from closing the deal."  At the last minute, someone in Enderlin vetoed the idea, so that was the end of it.

As he told his tale, I couldn't help but remember all the railroad activity in Enderlin.  I'll never forget the smoke and steam spewing out of those engines as when they pulled a fully loaded freight headed southeast from town where it had to climb an incline to get rolling.  Often times another engine was pushing and smoking and steaming on the rear end to give it a boost.  Such a sight!

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Ole, Lena, and Little Ole went to the big city for the first time.  They were walking down the street and looking in the windows of the big stores.  Little Ole spotted something that caught his eye and ran into a building.  Big Ole and Lena followed him.  They all stood in front of a shiny door.  A chubby, elderly, gray haired lady walked up and pushed a button by the door.  It opened and she walked into a little room.  The door closed and the numbers above the door went up, and soon came down again.  The doors opened and a beautiful well-built girl walked out.  Little Ole asked, "What kind of machine is dat, Dad?"  Big Ole said, "I don't know, but push dat button and shove your mom in."

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