Friday, May 25, 2012

School's Out

There was this teacher who was disappointed with his students because they were so incredibly lazy.  He told them, "I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of you flunk math."  Little Ole put up his hand, "But teacher, dere ain't dat many in dis class."
Heaven forbid, but an article in today's Bismarck Tribune stated that North Dakota may have a population of one million people before long, up from two-thirds of a million now. This is because the daily production of oil may hit one million barrels a day, and may in fact overtake or at least equal Texas's output.  In order to produce that much it will take that many more people.  This possibility is being cheered by the talking heads who make the front pages and the evening news. But another 300,000 people!?!

The western part of the state used to beckon as a relief valve to get away and see open landscape without any people to get in view.  What will happen to all of the wildlife and the clean air?  Instead of looking out over the Badlands landscape and seeing beauty, oil wells will show up, too.

I suppose it is all for the greater good.  This way all the extra oil we produce will keep the country going for a while longer so that we don't have to develop alternative energy sources.
Ole and Lena went to the hospital so Lena could give birth to their first baby.  As Ole waited in the lobby, the doctor came out to inform him that he had some good news and some bad news.  "The good news is that you have a normal baby boy.  The bad news is that it is a Caesarian."

Ole started crying, "Vell, I'm glad it is a healthy baby, but I vas kinda hopin' it would be a Swede."