Monday, May 09, 2011

Bridge and Rails

During the tourist season this site comes into view by those who choose to buy the ticket to ride the rails to Fort Abraham Lincoln. A lot of trains pass through Mandan every day but they don't use this particular line. Loaded coal trains heading east and empty trains heading back west to reload comprise the bulk of the traffic. I've heard different numbers as to their frequency, but 18-20 long trains per day seems to be agreed upon. Maintenance of these heavy traffic lines seems to require much attention. Driving east along I-94 I lately seen hundreds of new railroad ties laying alongside the tracks and a string of machines that seem to have automated most of the labor. Remember the old "John Henry was a steel driving man, Lord, Lord, oh what a man was he!" I still see that little old speeder leaving Sheldon with three or four men going out to inspect and repair track. And, I'd just as soon forget a carful of young bucks tooted up on too much beer who lined their car up on the tracks and rode the rails all the way to Leonard.