Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Old Ways of Doing Things

I enjoy looking at these old pictures of the hometown. I believe one of these elevators is the one that was picked up and moved by truck to the Runck farm south of Casselton. I can remember seeing it jacked up on huge timbers and rolling down the street. When I was old enough to start helping with harvest I liked the job of driving tractor and trailer to town with a load of grain and driving over the scale, watching the hydraulic hoist lift the front end of the trailer so the grain could run out the endgate and into the grate-covered pit.

And I always liked going into the railroad depot where I heard the large Regulator clock on the wall ticking away. Freight used to come to us through this facility and occasionally we'd go there to pick something up. That building stands empty now but has been moved some feet away from the RR right-of-way to satisfy their requirement.

Pictures like this represent a period never impressed into my kids memories, but I remember those scenes well.