Friday, March 09, 2007

Odds 'n' Ends

Some days are blank pages. There isn't much going on in my mind today. The Bismarck Friends of the Library are holding their used book sale this weekend. I didn't find much except for a couple dozen CD's I bought for 25 cents apiece. I've run through them quickly to see if they are any good, and I think about half of them will be worth keeping.

I found out the meaning of another maxim or saying the other day. Our language is full of them. They get taken for granted and usually we don't even know the actual meaning or origin of them. Making money hand over fist gets used often when someone has the good fortune to make a lot of money. It actually came from Roman times when a craftsman held the handle of an engraved die in his clenched fist, placed it on a blank coin, and struck it to impress the design onto it. He made money with his hand over his fist. It couldn't be any simpler than that.

Warmer weather and thoughts of spring flirt with us now. The calendar already reads March 9th and Mary has started sprouting seeds in her little planters set in the light of our patio door. Can mowing lawn be far behind?