Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The word bloviate gets thrown around by media gabbers, and I always thought it was some made up slangy thing. I stand corrected. My Webster's New World dictionary defines it: to speak at some length bombastically or rhetorically. At any rate, a lot of bloviating will take place as aftermath to the "Scooter" Libby conviction. Past and present occupants of the White House have been and are all about controlling information so as to make their administrations look good.

One of the bloviators likened the Vice President to the Wizard of Oz who hides behind the curtain. One of the jurors reported the jury wondered why the real culprits weren't on trial. Another said Libby is guilty of "canine loyalty" since he has appeared willing to destroy his future by not truth-talking.

The whole mess relates to the constructed case for getting into Iraq. One of the most appropriate statements made by the past president Eisenhower was when he warned America to beware of the military-industrial complex. What did he mean by that? That war material manufacturers love to make new war machines and try them out in actual battlefield conditions? Cheney worked for Halliburton. They seem to be profiting handsomely in Iraq. That's my conspiracy theory for the day.