Monday, December 18, 2006

My Stuff

Many pictures of artifacts and old people (mostly ancestors) hang on wall or sit on shelves in our house. I prefer objects of that nature over glitzy home decorator items. In my study hangs my favorite - "Found" - a picture of an English Shepherd dog standing by a young lamb and howling into a blizzard wind for his master to come. I grew up with that picture since my parents had purchased that scene when they first married, and I can remember as a very young boy looking up at it and into it.

On another spot on my study walls is a crucifix of San Damiano that Mary brought back per my request from Italy. The ancient artist painted so many images on its surface that I couldn't begin to list them. Just below it hangs a relief scene of Jesus kneeling and praying in the garden. It's something I'd given my mother years ago, and when they moved from their large house to the smaller apartment she let me have it again.

Several black and white photos hang, one of which shows my Grandpa Bueling as a young man standing with a team of horses in Plum City, Wisconsin. He worked with horses all his life, and it seems fitting to honor that legacy with this picture. Below it is one of my dad holding the reins of a team, too, but this one includes me, and I'm all of two years of age. Thankfully, I didn't have to sweat working behind teams of them.

Other things sit around: a shadowbox frame filled with arrowheads, a 1/12 scale model of a farm wagon I built, some 3-D carvings of mine, an unfinished desk clock on which I've carved the head of a draft horse, and lots of books and miscellaneous that makes my life complete. This room is a nightmare for someone as neat and orderly as wife Mary is, but what the heck, it's what brings me pleasure and verifies the old saying that opposites attract.