Friday, December 22, 2006

Events of the Day

Sometimes I'm tempted to isolate myself from the daily world so that no "news" reaches my eyes or ears. Events swirl around with or without me. I did receive some good news, however, this week when my urologist informed me that my recent PSA test came out very favorable with a reading of less than 1/10 of one percent. The surgeon told me that men have female hormones that still give off a miniscule reading under normal conditions. Therefore, I understand that I am cancer free and will probably die from something other than prostate cancer.

Most news is not good, however. This week's issue of Newsweek magazine printed a bit of a year-end synopsis and has a collection of memorable political cartoons. One of them sums things up pretty well, I think. George Bush, the Senior, stands very large and distinquished looking and holds a note that says, "Didn't occupy Iraq because I knew what would happen." George Bush, the Junior, stands no higher than his father's belt level, red-faced with jackass ears. Two bystanders, everyday citizens, watch and the woman says, "I'm watching a total eclipse of the son..."

Cartoonists have a way of simplifying things and getting to the heart of the matter. I don't know the name of this particular one, but he has been drawing Junior with those ears for some time. One other cartoon caught my eye. Rumsfeld stands jabbing his finger at a room full of be-medaled generals and lectures them, "Generals, do whatever it takes to win this war..." The second panel shows their reaction. They have picked him up and are heading to an open window to toss him out.