Wednesday, January 09, 2013

On the Road - 2

White's City, New Mexico - January 1, 2012

All day driving through this part of the country we thought how dry the landscape appeared.  Well, tonight at supper it started raining, and quite hard.  Maybe we should take credit!  Our first stop was at Roswell, NM to tour through the UFO museum.  It was nothing fancy: a few dummies to look like aliens, lots of photos and written documents, newspaper clippings, etc.  Am I a believer?  Myresponse is, it might be true.  This is a mighty big universe and with some of the scientific theories floating around like quantum mechanics and string theory, I believe there is potential. A Mexican restaurant beckoned to most of our group at noon.  The food was good (and reasonably priced).  Next door to it was a Mexican bakery that smelled so good when you stepped inside.

Carlsbad Caverns was next on our itinerary.  Those caves really make a person feel small since they are huge.  Great experience, and now I can chalk that one up.