Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life, as usual

We've been home for a few days, and life slowly resumes as usual.  My old Lazyboy chair sure feels good.  When on the road a person cannot relax like he can with the favorite things of home.  I've sold quite a few books since the first of the year, three today alone.

It hasn't been hard to find old-timers who reminisce about the things they know that are included in the book.  One gentleman today spent most of his life farming in Emmons County.  On the phone I said Wm. Wade writes of Horse Head Bottoms in Emmons County.  Oh, yes, he knew all about it, in fact had farmed near there.  I promised to make a date with him to talk about his history and what he knows.  Among other things he had a relative murdered south of Linton.

I told another fellow today about the 1905 map I'd included in the book and that not many roads show on it.  He lived on the west side of the river and talked about how he remembered the road through there was nothing but a trail.  Of course, now it is a paved state highway.  He wants to talk more, too.

The picture of San Francisco shows how closely packed the buildings are in that city.  I remember some of the cop shows that used to take place there and how steep the streets were.  I thought as we drove on them how much fun it would be to start at the top of a hill and skateboard down; however, I don't think the cops there would think too highly of that.  I now wish we could have spent more time in the downtown and explored some of it, especially the bookstore established by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, City Lights. 
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