Tuesday, January 01, 2013

A New Year

And I hope it is a happy one!  The Congressional gang in Washington probably isn't too happy about now, sitting in the capital when they could have been home celebrating.  And you'd think they'd learn; they did it to themselves, leaving things go until the last minute.  Listening to all the "going over the cliff" talk had me a bit concerned.  Would walls crumble?  Would people fall into crevasses?  Would the wind blow it all down?  Then it came out that whatever deal the gang comes up with can be made retroactive to the first of the year, so what's the problem?  Suffer on, you saps.
Should I make a New Year's resolution?  I never think too hard on it, but if I were to make one it would be to learn something new.  It still stands strong in my memory how I had never learned to write the English language until I began studying the German language.  Now the active voice, the passive voice, subjects, predicates, gerunds, infinitives, what have you, pose no obstacle.  This year I learned something about publishing a book.  Now I'm in the middle of learning something about promotions; that's where the workout comes.  I learned how easy it is to become a book reviewer, and now the books arrive regularly.  I'll have to buy more bookshelves!  I learned I'm not getting any younger as evidenced by new aches and pains that pop up.
Losing weight ranks high on resolutions.  For a lot of people, they know it's time to lose weight when they step on a talking scale and it says, "One at a time, please."
Lutefisk by the barrel gets feasted on this time of year.  Check out our Norwegian friends -- 

Ole, Sven and Lars die in a tragic Lutefisk accident. They are met by God on the stairway to heaven.

God says, "There are 3,000 steps to heaven. It's very serious up there. I'll tell you a joke on each 1,000th step you reach. If you laugh you go to hell."

So they start walking and reach to the first 1,000th step. God tells a joke, Lars laughs out loud and goes straight to hell. Ole and Sven look at each other nervously.

On the 2,000th step God tells another joke, Sven tries his best but laughs and goes to straight to hell.

On the 3,000th step God tells the last and best joke, Ole doesn't laugh and proceeds to the gate.

Suddenly, Ole bursts out laughing hysterically. God asks, "What are you laughing about?".

Ole replies, "Oh dat's funny. I yust got da first yoke!".
Obviously, I haven't learned much since the last blog was posted.   Trust me, next week will be very different.