Friday, July 20, 2012

In the Archives

I spent the morning yesterday at the Heritage Center archives.  I always enjoy good time spent there and usually find useful information.  In reading an article in North Dakota History: Journal of the Great Plains I spotted a reference where the old pioneer I am writing up crossed paths with Teddy Roosevelt.  Since Dickinson State University has established, in conjunction with Harvard University and the Library of Congress, an electronic data base of Teddy Roosevelt's papers, I came home to see if I could find the letter in reference.  Sure enough, one sent to George Bird Grinnell, and on the bottom in his own handwriting he made a brief statement to his friend Grinnell.  After about half an hour trying to decipher his scrawl, I finally understood what he was trying to say and it was appropriate to what I was looking for.  Great find!

Writing a few book reviews for the Bismarck Tribune caused me to get another job.  The editor of the Western Writers of America ROUNDUP magazine wrote asking if I wanted to start reviewing some for them.  OK, I responded.  We'll give 'er a try.

This spot was reserved for another visit with Ole and Lena, but somehow they remain silent.  The news this morning is horrific: the gunman opening up on a crowded movie theater in Colorado.  A person can't even wrap his brain around it looking for some rationale why a person would do that.  Too many people are running around in the "life imitating art" mode.  Too many violent movies, video games, terrorism in the news, whatever.  Without some solid, positive goal in sight, this is what he accomplished: 14 dead, 50 wounded.
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