Monday, July 16, 2012

Her Pride and Joy!

I set out to write about "mental manure" but got sidetracked into taking this picture and posting it.  As we drove into our garage after a day in Fargo, the wife said, "Look at my lilies!  They've opened up, you've got to take a picture of them."  It was 98 degrees outside; I wanted to get into my central air.  "Sure, I'll do it in the morning when it's cooler."  "No, they're Day Lilies, they're only open for one day!"  So this picture is the result of that repartee.  I must admit, they are nice.

There's one lady in town whom Mary has become acquainted with who raises day lilies (until they're coming out of her ears).  I believe I heard she has over 150 varieties of them.  When you drive by her yard in the spring all you see is small markers with the variety written on them.

When we were in Hawaii we visited an orchid operation; their showroom displayed many varieties.  I've often thought they would be nice to have, but no.  She tells me they're too hard to raise.  OK.

The subject of "mental manure" will have to wait until Wednesday.

A columnist in the Bismarck Tribune writes a column on Mondays regarding various topics and destinations on the internet.  Under the headline Where to find simple answers he listed several that look interesting, such as The Universe in 10 Steps, Explain it in 60 Seconds, Minute Physics, Simply Explained, and Explain it Like I'm Five.  I checked them out and plan to return.
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