Monday, July 23, 2012

Carve it away til you find a horse

I used to carve figures like this but haven't done so for three or four years.  I reached the point where I wasn't improving much, or maybe it was that I lost interest.  A piece like this might take up to a week to finish, but then when I took it to a show and put a price tag on it, usually just to cover my time, browsers thought it was too much.  So my tools were put away three or four years ago and now lay in the drawer collecting rust.
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Today's the big day at Penn State.  Yesterday they hauled away Paterno's statue, boo-hoo.  That happens when gods get made out of ordinary people.  Warts get found ... Interesting letter today in Tribune wondering why a $300,000 dollar ND college president needs a 3% raise ... The Olympics will start soon, I hope they keep it positive without finding things to gripe about ... It won't take long for the massacre in Colorado to fade away, I think they call it 24 hour news cycles ...  I almost melted in the recent heat, I'd rather dissolve in cool rain ... A headline says the debate over fracking uses bad science, sometimes no science at all, I still wonder about it ... and so it goes here in Mandan ...
Most everyone likes Ole and Lena stories.  From time to time I receive one through an email.  This one came yesterday:  Ole was turning 78, was overweight, so his doctor put him on a diet.  The doctor said, "I want you to eat regularly tow two days, then skip a day and repeat this procedure for two weeks.  The next time I see you, you should have lost at least five pounds."

When Ole returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost nearly sixty pounds!  "Why that's amazing!" the doctor said, "Did you follow my instructions?"  Ole nodded, "I'll tell you, though, I thought I vas gonna drop dead on dose third days."  "From the hunger, you mean?" asked the doctor.  "No, it vas from all dat darn skipping!"

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