Friday, April 13, 2012

Just musing

I've never had much desire to attend a Broadway play, but  in the case of Magic/Bird I would make an exception.  Their competition and friendship exemplify the way things should be. Unfortunately, the "critics" aren't liking it too much.
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Information overload is occurring now.  I sometimes think a person would be better off not listening to the news.  North Korea still acts like an outlaw that has never been arrested.  They will have to send out a posse. . . In politics if someone sticks their foot in their mouth, a roar of false indignation arises.  The latest on that one Mrs. Romney being called out to be quiet because she's never worked a day in her life. . . A Florida congressman gained attention when he said there were 80 communists in Congress, he being a republican and they democrats.  I remember McCarthyism. . .  The guy who shot Trayvon probably wishes he had never gone vigilante with a gun. . . I was steered to an article in the Business Week magazine of January 19, 2012 that carries the brash headline "The Man Who Bought North Dakota."  Reading that makes it easy to see why our state politicians keep fetching this oilman's coffee and polishing his boots.
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The Tribune regularly carries the Richard Cohen column.  As the years pass I'm developing a growing respect for President Eisenhower and today's column added to it.  The editor of the newspaper that Cohen began working for as a young  man assigned him to cover an exhibition of Ike's paintings at some gallery.  For some reason Cohen found himself the only reporter there, and who should come out of a side door but Ike himself.  Ike spent time with him and walked through the gallery.  History tells us that Ike was an amateur artist and not too good, but Cohen tried to flatter and patronize him and asked of one painting just what was the symbolism he painted into it.  Ike didn't bite.  Cohen quoted him saying, "Let's get something straight here, Cohen.  They would have burned this (expletive) a long time ago if I weren't the president of the United States."
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It's raining.  We needed it.  Only half an inch or so fell, but things already look greener.