Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Fort Rice School & Outhouse

I saw something a few days ago that has been rolling around in my brain, but I just couldn't be sure if I saw it correctly.  I thought I saw in Barnes and Noble this title: Donner Party Cookbook.  Now at first blush that seems innocuous enough, just another cookbook, right?  But stop to remember what the  Donner Party was; it was a group of pioneer travelers headed west in wagons who were stranded in a mountain pass by a blizzard that blocked their passage. Trapped all winter,  they ran out of food, and resorted to cannibalism to survive.

Did I see it correctly?  You betcha, I did.  I looked it up on the internet and there it was, Donner Party Cookbook.  For me I thought instantly of cannibalism, and a sort of ghoulish urge led me to think the title was humorous.  Well, I still think it is.  The book looks legitimate enough, contains some history of the period, and does list recipes that people of that period followed.  I don't think recipes for human flesh were included.
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Some "double-take" signs -

- in a dry cleaning store - Thirty eight years on the same spot
-outside a country shop - We buy junk and sell antiques
-in a cafe - Customers who find our waitresses rude ought to see the manager
-in a loan office - Ask about our plans for owning your home
-on a telephone pole - Are you an adult who cannot read?  If so, we can help
-in Arkansas - Take notice: When this sign is under water, this road is impassible
-at a private school - No trespassing without permission
-in a maternity ward - No children allowed
-in a clothing store - Wonderful bargains for men with 16 and 17 necks
-in a funeral parlor - Ask about our layaway plan
-at a highway diner - Eat here and get gas
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 A joke
A man walks into a bar with a giraffe, takes a stool, the giraffe does the same.  They proceed to order drinks, one after another, well into the night.  Suddenly the giraffe falls off his stool and lies unconscious on the floor.  The man gets up and heads for the door.  The bartender shouts at him,
"Hey, you can't leave that lyin' here."  To which the man replies, "It's not a lion, it's a giraffe!"