Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Sky's the Limit

There is so much I don't know and never can hope to know. Back in the days of Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle it was possible to know all the knowledge there was to know. They could wear the title of a sage. No one can hope to approach that distinction in the present day, but those who do possess a wide knowledge in many areas can be called polymath, an interesting word meaning one who possesses an encyclopedic mass of facts and figures and knows what they mean.

A much smaller brain is punching the keys on this computer, but it is one who finds learning different things to be interesting anyway. Governmental affairs involve lots of trickery that often takes us by surprise when we discover them. We are hearing reports of long-time residents in oil country becoming ill when they didn't used to. They blame the obvious new thing that has been introduced into their environment: chemicals used in the fracking process to get the oil out of the ground. The oil companies don't say what those chemicals consists of, and this is why.

The Bush/Cheney Energy Bill of 2005 exempts companies from disclosing the chemicals used during hydraulic fracturing and bypasses the Environmental Protection Agency. It is called the Halliburton Loophole. Never again will I question the necessity of having the EPA to look after affairs of this type. Big money is talking here. Where is the talk of developing new sources of energy to power our cars and trucks. I haven't heard anything about that lately. Too much cash to be made first!