Sunday, October 30, 2011

TR Symposium

On Friday I took my annual trip to Dickinson to attend the 6th Annual Theodore Roosevelt Symposium. It was a bigger deal this year since they held it in conjunction with the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Theodore Roosevelt Association. Name tags showed me that attendees came from many states; a lot of people are big TR lovers. Every year new books are written about the man, and it must be hard to find new information so the authors aren't tripping over each other by repeating the same old same old. We were told that only one other man in U. S. history has had more books written about him than TR - Abe Lincoln.

Sure enough, there has been a new book written - Theodore Roosevelt in the Badlands: A Young Politician's Quest for Recovery in the American West by Roger Di Silvestro. He gave a very interesting speech and afterwards book buyers lined up deep to buy the book and have him autograph it. My friend Doug Ellison, owner of the Western Edge bookstore in Medora had the book concession. He was taking checks and credit cards right and left.

TR's grandson Tweed Roosevelt always attends to lend his name and family support to the event. On Saturday the group all migrated to Medora for further meetings and socializing, and today, Sunday, were headed on a Doug Brinkley's Majic Bus tour around the area. Brinkley is quite a well-known historian, and I often see him on national TV doing commentary about various political and historical topics. Unfortunately, I did not participate in any of the Saturday or Sunday events.
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Snow came to the Rocky Mountain and the east coast areas; therefore I have to get on the ball and finish last minute details before it flies here. Tomorrow, after going to the gym for my workout, I'm going to mow and mulch one last time, take out the garbage, fix the garage door opener light, service my snowblower, wrap the father-in-law's air conditioner with plastic, take a shower, go to the Heritage Center library to photocopy an obituary I need, begin writing my third story, get ready for Halloween. It is going to be hard this year to answer the door for trick-or-treaters, though, since it will interfere with Dancing with the Stars. I should sleep like a baby tomorrow night.