Monday, October 24, 2011

Fifty Years Ago

The lines of an Ian Tyson song - "Fifty Years Ago" - caught my attention when I first heard them and I've not forgotten them:

Oh the time has passed so quick
The years all run together now
Did I hold Juanita yesterday
Was it fifty years ago

This song deals with love lost, but substitute the name Juanita with most anything and it applies. Our Sunday edition of the Bismarck Tribune carried an article that made me think of the song again: "UND's library celebrates 50 years." I remember clearly the event that brought the library about; Chester Fritz, a self-made financier, had attended UND and granted one million dollars for a new library. To a sophomore lucky to have a dollar bill in his pocket, I thought that was a mighty big pile of money to be handing out. As these things go, though, it took another $4.5 million from the state in 1981 to make the library what it is today.

On Sunday we celebrated Mary's dad's 95th birthday (actual date being today, October 24). I did not know him then, but subtract 50 years and he was a young man of 45. I'm sure he was close to still being in full bloom yet as he battled the elements to make a living for his family.
Tomorrow, the 25th, marks the first anniversary of the death of my father. I do remember him as a 45 year old man that worked hard to keep our little farm going.

The cost of living was much different 50 years ago. The average cost of a new house - $12,500, average income per year - $5,315, cost of a gallon of gas - .27, average cost of a new car - $2,850.

On the political front several things of interest occurred. Fidel Castro took over in Cuba, JFK was inaugurated, the Peace Corps was established, JFK asked for the money to put a man on the moon, construction of the Berlin Wall begins, Pampers diapers were introduced, etc.

Someone thought it was cute when he hung a sign in the classroom that said, "Time passes, will you?" I know now the answer is yes, I will pass, but not in the context of school promotion as this simple phrase asks.