Sunday, September 11, 2011

Twin Towers Burning, 9/11

Ten years ago this happened. I remember very well where I heard about it. Coming in from the road I checked into the office of my part-time job and the receptionist there asked, "Have you heard the news?" I hadn't, and I went to a radio to try to find news and could not wait until my work day ended and I could get home to CNN.

Yesterday was the second of the symposium Impact on the Heartland. Another great lineup of speakers presented their views of the event:

1. Julia Ernst - faculty member of the school of law talked on the U. S. Constitution, the rule of law, and the age of terrorism.

2. Chris Bailey - staff of the National Intelligence University discussed issues in U. S. intelligence.

3. Gerard Jacobs - University of South Dakota, The evolution of mental health in an age of disasters.

4. Master Sergeant Mike Carswell, USAF - He was in the Pentagon when the plane hit and spoke of his post traumatic stress disorder since then.

5. Geoffrey Wawro, author and faculty of Universityof North Texas, the war on terror and its progress and pitfalls.

6. Major General David Sprynczynatyk (spell that without looking) , Adjutant General of the N. D. National Guard, ten years supporting the global war on terror.

7. Manochehr Dorraj, faculty of Texas Christian University, U. S. - Muslim Relations since 2011

8. etc., etc.

To cap the day we laid out some big bucks and donned some nice clothes and attended a symphony performance called A Place of Remembrance with the Bismarck-Mandan Symphony Orchestra, the Bismarck-Mandan Civic Chorus, and the University of Mary Chorus.

Now today I am going to take a nap before my old friend and classmate arrive to spend the evening with us, Dick Schroeder and wife.