Thursday, September 15, 2011


We are always pulled and pushed this way or that to change our way of thinking. I wonder if the editor of the Sheldon newspaper of 1885 had any results with the following harangue when he scolded: Some of our young gents, not having the fear of their creator before their eyes, indulged in a match game of baseball last Sunday. Don't do so any more, boys. We don't know if he, the editor, was the one offended or a clergyman who found boys in a game of baseball to be so offensive to the spirit of the sabbath, but think how the times have changed. Try to convince participants or spectators with that line today; it would fall on deaf ears.

Fall draws closer. The leaves on the cottonwoods appear to have dried prematurely and have started to fall. Now we learn that they suffer from a leaf rust which caused it. At any rate their cousin-species will soon change their colors, too.

The Republican wanna-bees cry for change. They fight and squabble amongst themselves, and the only thing I hear them agree on is they want a change of president. Why they fought Obama so much and refused to cooperate with him is still a bit of a mystery, but that happened from the outset. He may have trouble being re-elected in this political climate, but I wish the choices exhibited a bit more quality.

I just returned from the barber shop. Yes, there has been a change --- from dark brown to white.

My parents experienced lots of change in their lifetimes. They straddled two different eras by being born when the draft horse and their bare hands supplied the power to run the machines to this day of piston powered or electronic labor saving devices. A farmer put up his hay with horses and pitchforks, but now he doesn't need to leave the comfort of his air-conditioned tractor cab.

I am trying to change some things in my own life before it becomes too late. I have too many stories floating around in my head that need to be told in writing. I farmed out my first short story to five different readers with literary knowledge asking them for comment. Their responses have begun to arrive, mostly positive, so I will do a re-write, but in the meantime I have started number two. Stay tuned.