Wednesday, June 22, 2011


This week the national convention for the Western Writers of America convened in Bismarck. It is a group I've always thought I would like to join, but being they always met elsewhere I never did get around to discussing my eligibility for membership through the mail. This week I worked up a representative portfolio of material I have written and presented it to the membership chairman. After looking it over he said the only thing left for me to do was hand him a check for dues. So now I am a bona fide associate member of this national group. I told Mary that I'd better crank out some good material to prove I am worthy of membership.

On Monday evening we attended an event featuring a panel made up of a few of the prominent members. One of them was the producer of the HBO series on the second president John Adams. I own the DVD set of this show and have watched it, three times because it is so well done and interesting. Today I sat in on a discussion topic of researching the military frontier, and one of the participants was the author of the book from which the recent movie "Crazyheart" was developed, and in which Jeff Bridges won the Academy Award for his acting performance.

Next year the convention is in Albuquerque. Hmmm ... I wonder...