Wednesday, February 06, 2008



Leave it to a cowboy poet to make this comparison: women are like cowpies. The older they get, the easier they are to pick up.

The granddaughter of President Eisenhower stated that she will support Obama in the election.

Place a Christian army in the middle of Muslim territory, and you can expect problems.

Harry Truman thought politicians should pattern their lives after Cincinnatus, a Roman patriot farmer, who was persuaded to lead his country in a time of peril, won the war, then willingly gave up his authority to return to his farm and plow.

The Mormon leader just died at the age of 97 years and had said about his longevity, “The wind is blowing, and I feel like the last leaf on the tree.”
It reminded me of the O. Henry short story entitled “The Last Leaf.” A man, very ill, lay on his hospital bed and noticed a vine outside his window losing its leaves to fall winds while his life slipped away commensurately. When the last one would fly he knew he would die. That night, an artist painted a leaf on the wall and the man, spotting the fake the next morning, survived his crisis and lived on.

For the first time in my life I voted in the caucus. Obama received my vote. I was one of many.

Newsweek magazine reports that in 2004 John McCain and Hillary Clinton had a vodka drinking contest. (Honest...2-11 issue)