Thursday, February 14, 2008

More Snippets

More this-n-that

I wise cowboy once said, “Don’t name a calf you plan to eat.”

I just received an email from a cousin in California. They are making the most of their retirement years. She and her husband are leaving for Jordan soon, and, to add to the trip, will stop in Italy to visit friends. This trip is one of many they have taken to interesting spots in the world.

We need to take another step to join the modern world. Our dial-up connection is way too slow to enjoy much of what is on the internet. Since Bush plans on giving us some money back, I think we just might find a high-speed plan. I spend a lot of time in my study with a computer so why not have the latest!

Another wise cowboy quote, “Don’t corner something meaner than you.” I am in the middle of writing a poem about a fight to the death I witnessed as a young boy between a dog and a badger. The dog had been sicced on the wild one, but it was more than he could handle. The fight continued on to its miserable end.

I am reading a biography of Gerald R. Ford written by one of the newsmen assigned to reporting on the president. They became friends, and Ford told him much, so much that Ford swore him to promise, by jerking on his necktie, that he would not divulge the content of their conversations until after he died — Write It When I’m Gone by Thomas deFrank. Ford told him what he thought of Carter, Reagan, the Bush’s, and Clinton. Interesting.

Today is Valentine’s Day. I drove to our neighborhood store to buy flowers and a card. It so happened there were three of us in the same checkout line with flowers. I was amused by the gentleman behind me who said he just bought her a new car and thought that should be good enough. But no! He thought she was worth it, though. She’s been with him twenty-one years. The first one lasted nineteen.