Friday, February 22, 2008

Just a Few More Snippets

An old cowboy once told me, “Forgive your enemies, it messes with their minds.”
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A big change took place in our household this week, we got hooked up to broadband internet, and I am enjoying myself one heck of a bunch by roaming around the internet as fast as I can read. Now, it won’t be so frustrating to download all those jokes and cartoons that so many people persist in forwarding. Now, I can download ‘em in a wink and trash those suckers before you know it. I’ve always enjoyed and appreciated personal messages, but we don’t get enough of them. With the changeover we have new email addresses, and I will forward them to the people in our address book.

A Montana internet radio station caught my attention a couple years back: I was never able to receive it well with the old dial-up service and forgot about it. I rediscovered it again and have been playing it almost steady when I’m at my desk. He plays blues and bluegrass tunes which I like. He talks very little, mostly songs playing. It’s a great change from the same old stations I’m used to listening to.
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Spring approaches. I can tell since Mary is studying the seed catalogs for long stretches each day. This morning she’s attending a workshop at a local plant and tree store getting herself ready for the growing season. She has set a table up in the furnace room and is charming seeds to emerge from the pots with her magic flute and a fluorescent lamp.
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I heard a good Ole and Lena joke the other day. Ole was bragging to his buddy Sven about what a good hunter he was. When they got to their cabin in Canada north of Winnipeg, Ole said, “You start the fire and I’ll go shoot something for supper.” Ole walked in the woods only 3 or 4 minutes when he met a black bear. Dropping his gun, Ole hightailed it back to the cabin. Just as he reached the steps, he slipped and fell. The bear was running too fast to stop and skidded right in through the cabin door. Ole got up and slammed the door from the outside and shouted to Sven, “You go ahead and skin that one, and I’ll run out and get us another.”