Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Birthdays, etc

Well, I just had to go ahead and have another birthday.  Years ago I said I'd stopped counting, but what good did that do, they keep adding on.  Thist one was number 72.  But the fact that they keep coming is gratifying.  Dad made it to 95, Ma just celebrated 94, Mary's dad is 97.  According to that I've got a few more coming.  My mother sure likes getting phone calls on hers and was excited when her ailing brother in Washington called.  A sister in Fargo calls regularly, and a nephew from Lisbon brought her a bouquet of fresh flowers.  We visited that weekend and she was looking forward to a special treat at the home - shortcake with strawberries and whipped cream.  Wouldn't you know it, I called on the day of her birthday and she was sick to her stomach.  She said the others in her wing would just have to eat without her.
I spent a lonely 13 days lately when Mary traveled to Costa Rica.  She had fun, though, and enjoyed it...except for the trip home.  The group was scheduled to fly into Atlanta, GA, but they were shut down because of the recent weather problems.  So the travelers got re-routed many different directions.  Mary flew into New York City and had to sit there an extra day because of more weather related problems.  She seemed very happy to finally arrive home.
I'm expecting a shipment of books from Santa Fe soon, so if I didn't have enough to do, I can work on that.  I'm getting good reports back from my newspaper column readers so that makes me keep concentrating to find material and write something people enjoy reading.  It's like I say, I just hope I can keep a clear head and nimble fingers to type with. 
The Olympics haven't grabbed my attention like they usually do.  Snow conditions must be poor and my favorites weeded out.  The Davis-White ice dancers were great, though.