Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Wednesday blank

Sometimes a guy just draws a blank. Nothing much comes to mind. An empty wagon illustrates it better than anything. We had two beautiful days, almost balmy feeling, and now, today it's cold and blustery again. The seven day forecast holds promise for more nice days, though. Mary puttered around in the yard already. Her fingers itch to get out there to dig, plant, and scratch mosquito bites.

The Repubs held their caucus in North Dakota last night; Santorum won. I thought it amusing when Santorum's people started crying today that they wish Gingrich would drop out because he prevented their man from winning a couple states where Romney won. Romney struts around in faded blue jeans trying to look like a common man but when he was asked if he knew some race car driver a few days ago he responded that he didn't but did know a couple men who owned the team. Foul-mouthed Rush Limbaugh found a limit to his rants about a woman testifying about contraception when many advertisers pulled their ads from his show.