Sunday, December 11, 2011


With the sun shining and temperature mild we drove the few miles south to the veterans cemetery to view over thirty-seven hundred wreaths placed there Saturday. In contrast to the marble headstones and the bleak winterscape, the greenery and the bright red ribbons decorate the burial ground with a colorful tribute. The activity was part of the Wreaths Across America project and was sponsored by the local unit of the Civil Air Patrol.
The Missouri River has not iced over yet and still flows freely, but low. A local business, the downhill ski resort, can't make artificial snow because of problems getting enough water through their pump for their snow making machines.
The common folks are rising up and being heard. I've lost track of how many Arab countries experienced what is being called Arab Spring where dictators have either been kicked out or still hang on only with the aid of their murderous military. The Occupy Wall Street movement continues in the USA and probably because of the milder climate the West Coast seems to be the center of it. And who could have thought that Russian people took to the streets to voice criticism of the election process in that country. 2012 might just be an interesting year!