Yesterday, instead of fighting the huge crowd in Mandan for the 4th, we decided to drive down to the area where Mary was born and raised. She always gets a bit agitated when I tell her it is on the edge of civilization, in the sticks. I guess it's just my nature to tease, but after looking at the pictures I took it makes me wonder -

Where else can you find a scene like this at the mailbox?

Where else can you find it any handier to hop on a stagecoach?

Where else can you gather a tub full of rattlesnakes in half an hour?

Where else can you find a sister-in-law who likes to talk through the leaves? Now this is all a tongue-in-cheek observation. I wasn't born and raised down there so I really can't say. To be more accurate it really is a scenic area, and with the moisture received this year looks very green. My sister-in-law really didn't stay in the leaves for long but graciously invited us inside their home. But still, there are some things ...