Wednesday, February 25, 2009

All This on Feb. 25

We made a trip to Lisbon on Saturday to visit my parents at the Lisbon medical facility and hosted a small gathering of relatives and friends who dropped in for cake to celebrate their birthdays and anniversary. Dad turned 94, Ma turned 89, and being married in 1941, they marked their 68th anniversary. From there it was off to Richfield, MN to make the acquaintance of our new granddaughter Lily Grace who, of course, we found to be perfect.

Sad news often accompanies good news. My cousin’s wife called this morning to tell us that Violet Bueling passed away early this morning. I am glad that I stopped in to see her several times in the hospital and that she was always in good spirits those times.

I will be off shortly to pick up the new computer I bought at Best Buy yesterday. While this humble laptop still does the job, it does it just barely, and I thought it was time for an upgrade, especially since I started publishing some of my written efforts.

I began writing this as President Obama gave his first address to the U. S. Congress. Much had been said in anticipation of what he would say and how he should say it. I have confidence in his ability as an intelligent and independent thinker to believe that he would give the right message. As with all previous presidential addresses where I remember watching the minority party sit on their hands with almost comic reactions of not cheering or standing in union with the boisterous assent of the majority party, so it was with this address. I noticed, however, that as his speech developed through carefully chosen words and phrases the minority party felt they were given the openings to stand and cheer in bi-partisan support of many of his plans. I am still confident that he will bring about an improved nation.