Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'll Miss the Jokes

I'll miss this political campaign season when it wraps up; actually, what I'll miss are the jokes. Some of the issues aren't so funny, but there's always a comedian ready to jump on any opening. I like the one Jimmy Kimmel told: Sarah Palin had a good thought. She suggested that while Barack Obama is over in Hawaii visiting his grandmother, it might be a good idea for him to keep an eye on Japan.

Palin is a rich lode for the comedians. The spoofs they do about her on Saturday Night Live rate extremely high. I wonder what jokes they'll tell tonight about her $150,000 wardrobe when, after all, she is just another hockey mom. Comedy material dealing with her lack of knowledge of the constitutional duties of a vice president doesn't seem very funny,though. Contrary to her statements, a VP does very little constitutionally. LBJ found that out when he was JFK's VP. He thought he could continue to wheel and deal as before, but he frustratingly found himself shut out of any decision-making. She does not exhibit many of the characteristics I would find necessary in a potential leader, such as intellectual curiosity or being well read.

I can take a few stabs at writing comedy about her in the Ole and Lena style: Did you hear about the Norwegian secretary named Sarah. She is so experienced, she can type 20 mistakes a minute; or, Sarah was once a waitress in a nice cafe. One day a customer complained, "Waitress, I can't find any oysters in this stew." She replied, "Vell, yew vouldn't find any angels in an angel food cake, either, vould yew;" or, Sarah was elected to the town council as mayor. At her very first meeting, she suggested that they buy a new fire engine. When asked what the city should do with the old engine, she replied, "Vell, for one thing, ve could use it for false alarms."

With that, I shall quit because they won't get any better.