Monday, October 06, 2008

Clearing the Table

At 6:30 this morning we checked Mary into Same Day Surgery for a colonoscopy. The build-up to it with the fasting and drinking "witches' brew" yesterday made the actual procedure seem anti-climactic since it took only about 15 minutes. They gave her anesthesia so that took awhile to shake off, but the good news was that everything looked good and the doctor said she didn't have to do it again until ten years have passed.

The Friends of the Library held their regular sale of used books last weekend. As usual, I bought a bunch. Now I have so many that I had to build a new bookshelf yesterday to hold them all. It is time to downsize, of course, but how can I stop buying. At 50 cents a pound for hardcover books and a dollar a pound for paperbacks, it is one place where a twenty dollar bill goes a long ways.

I am still in the process of addressing and mailing my book of poetry to friends, relatives, and others. I sent one to Ted Kooser, a recent past U.S. Poet Laureate whom I have met and visited with. I hope he responds with a critique. I told him I'm a crusty old school administrator who can take the bad with the good, and I am looking for ways to improve. I have read and studied most of his work and admire his ability with words. This week Friday I plan to attend the Theodore Roosevelt Symposium at Dickinson State University. One of the presenters there is Robert Morgan who writes both prose and poetry. I hope to visit with him and slip a book into his hands. Well, I'm not too old to stop dreaming. And like it or not, I plan to keep on writing.