Monday, August 25, 2008

Who Knows?

What would you get if you crossed an atheist with a Jehovah's Witness? Someone who knocks at your door for no reason at all.

What waits for us on the other side is a mystery. Our Christian teaching tells us, but that promise is not the same for everyone who lives on this planet. Many plan for the afterlife with different interpretations. What was it again that Moslem suicide bombers go to? One thing is for certain: we will all find out in the future. Strangely enough not everyone agrees with our beginnings either. An article appearing in my local paper reawakened curiosity I have had for a long time. Since I don't have an aptitude for either mathematics or physics, I've never been able to interpret for myself the findings or theories that scientists hold, but instead I've needed to read the ideas of scientists who phrase in language that this layman can understand.

The major areas of persuasion in the ongoing argument of how we came to be include theories of creation, evolution, and intelligent design. The subject of the aforementioned article is a physics professor at Montana State University. I never think of MSU as being on the cusp of scientific research, but Neil Cornish studied with Stephen Hawking at Cambridge University in England. That alone gives his work credibility with me. He speculates, "there is a cosmological horizon that we cannot see beyond - what came before the big-bang... " I think maybe he subscribes to the intelligent design group. Anyway, the subject set me scrambling to my bookshelves to pull out references to the topic. I find it fun and stimulating to read ideas that give body to the theories. Everyone thinks they're right, of course. so an argument constantly rages.

In the book Honey from Stone the author states, "knowledge is an island. The larger we make that island, the longer becomes the shore where knowledge is lapped by mystery...The extension of knowledge is the extension of mystery." I once heard a Jewish rabbi say, when asked how God came into existence, that that argument entails an infinite regression, and no one can think in rational terms that far back.

The arguments stated with my limited thinking are 1. Creation - God made it all in seven days, 2. Evolution - a gradual development to our present state from the simple to the complex, and 3. Intelligent Design - God set the evolution process in motion. Of course, the Atheist or Free-Thinker viewpoint should be mentioned as rejecting religious beliefs as incompatible with reason. And I'd better not forget to list agnostics, deists, and infidels. Maybe I'd better stop thinking about it and just have faith in a better day a-comin'.