Monday, July 21, 2008

Plenty of Activities

Yesterday, 7-20-08, Bismarck-Mandan had lots of activities to choose from to spend a relaxing Sunday afternoon. We could have chosen among a melodrama at Fort Lincoln State Park, a violin concert at the old Governor's Mansion in honor of a past governor Art Link, strolling through the zoo, and touring a Parade of Ponds event. We drove over the Missouri River where a huge flotilla of pleasure boats cruised, so if we had had a boat we could have done that. Our choice: an outdoor production of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" on the capitol grounds.

Shakespeare's work has never been a favorite of mine, but since his work survives several centuries, there is probably something wrong with my literary tastes. The "Twelfth Night" consists of a quite complicated plot and was very hard to keep pace with since I didn't have much knowledge of the story line. In fact, after returning home, I opened the internet to find a synopsis of the play. It was enjoyable to sit through, though, since I admired the dedication of the cast and production crew for all their hard work. Not long ago I read that a good way to exercise the brain is to read and comprehend Shakesperean sonnets, thought to be as stimulating as working a crossword puzzle or learning a foreign language.

I look forward to next weekend. A chautauqua event "Lincoln, Land, and Liberty" will be held at the new Bismarck State College National Energy Center. Its theme visits three historical figures who played a significant role in the shaping of the United States in the nineteenth century - Abe Lincoln, Walt Whitman, and Frederick Douglas. The presentations are spread over three days, and I intend to be there.