Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Damn Politics

Now they say the Democrats are fighting amongst themselves because of the Obama-Clinton race for the nomination. Hillary is behind in the delegate count, but because of her (and Bill’s) sense of entitlement, they can’t take defeat and get on with business. Somebody once said, “I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.” I believe that is where we are at with the situation: too many people are a little afraid of the young, half-black, short on experience Obama. I’m sure he would do fine. I know for certain he is a rational orator.

History tells us that Harry Truman admired the story of Cincinnatus, a citizen soldier in old Roman times. Cincinnatus found contentment in his humble farming occupation, but known to have leadership ability, he was asked to lead his country in a time of peril. After the danger passed, he insisted on returning to his farm rather than remaining in an authority position which he could easily have retained.

Both the Bush and Clinton families hold different values from Cincinnatus, and, instead of returning to quiet private lives, they want to retain power, even if it means passing it back and forth. A couple years ago the Bush brother who was governor of Florida was being mentioned as potential presidential material. How about Chelsea?

Another quotation can bring a conclusion to my thesis: “Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.” Wolfgang von Goethe.