Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Anything Goes

Winter finally arrived in North Dakota. We've had more winter snows the last few days than we had when we expected it. Christmas was brown. April is white. It is good moisture, though, and I don't hear anyone complain about it. Of course, it will thaw all at once and run off into the river.
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Mary, her sisters, and sister-in-law will head to Minneapolis Friday for a girls' weekend. Knowing them, they will have fun. Dinner theatre, tours, shopping, etc. As for me, heh-heh.
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We attended a funeral south of Carson on Monday at a small country church. I felt a lonely wind blowing at that cemetery. That country down there is big with very few families living there anymore. We even crossed some cattle guards on an open range area. The people that do live down there need to drive many miles for anything, except solitude.
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My favorite radio-tv man got in trouble lately: Don Imus. He is a rough talker and deserved reprimanding. Many are calling for his firing instead of the two week suspension he did receive. All I can say is they would lose a good man if he was taken off permanently. That man has raised over $100 million for a variety of charities, all of which are important. Besides, he raises public attention and interest in many areas of governmental abuse and omission.